The brothers, Salvatore, Pasquale and Antonio Iodice, following the example of their father, who has been a farmer for 30 years, established a little business for the production and marketing of vegetable and fruit products.
The business then started to impose itself on the reference market by taking part into the Agricultural-food Market in Campania.
Iodice company from then on started its activity as sub-supplier for the Big Organized Distribution.
The company, being by now mature, decided to enter the big European market, first into Austria and into France and later into Germany and into the countries of Eastern Europe.
Today Iodice company is a synonym of tradition and innovation in the sector of vegetables and fruit, it has worked with passion and professionalism in order to be ready to meet its Customer’s needs.
The selection of the best Italian producers, the use of the most advanced processing and logistics methods and the application of eco-friendship principles are successful strategies as a whole, which allow our structure to distribute, over the twelve months of the year, quintals of vegetables and fruit of an excellent quality showing a high degree of specialization about the main Italian horticultural products.

In order to optimize production processes and guarantee consumers’ health, as well as the respect for the environment, for the controlled supply chain production, we avail ourselves of agronomical assistance. As regards the control of residues of phytodrugs, on its products and for HACCP control, Iodice avails itself of the collaboration of Geproter laboratories.
Iodice company takes special care for eco-sustainability, because the land is a resource to be protected and enhanced. That is why the company adopts processing methods guaranteeing the respect for the principles of eco-sustainable agriculture and the consumers’ health. In particular Iodice uses low impact fertilizing agents that respect biodiversity, it commercializes “no-OGM” horticultural products, it optimizes energy sources by reducing wastes and follow the guidelines being specific for any cultivated species.