Taste the recipe
Pea breaded fritters
Serves 4 -
600 g peas
2 eggs
100 g grated parmesan cheese
1 little twig parsley
"00" flour
arachis oil
salt and pepper
Method of preparation
Bring to the boiling point plenty of water in a pan, salt and boil peas in it for about 8 minutes. Drain them well, purèe them and put the pulp so obtained in a bowl. Let it cool. Wash, dry and mince the parsley. Shell the eggs in the bowl containing the pea purée, add the grated parmesan, the minced parsley, salt, pepper and a little grated nutmeg. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, until you obtain a homogeneous not too soft mixture. Put a little flour in a flat dish. Take the mixture from the bowl by spoonfuls and mould egg shaped round and big fritters. Slightly flatten them on their ends. Pass them into flour and then gently shake them in order to remove the exceeding flour. Arrange them, as soon as they are ready, onto a baking paper, without superimposing them. Heat plenty of arachis oil into a heat resistant pan and fry the fritters for 4-5 minutes, turning them when they are half done. When they are golden brown, drain them with a holed ladle, put them on oil absorbing paper and serve hot.
Source: Cucina Moderna